Our Story

As with most great things, they start far away and humble.

So it was with Charly’s Bakery. It all began with Charly, a 16 year old boy looking for work in a small desert town called Swakopmund. He swept the floor, made puff pastry and washed dishes under the stern guidance of the German Master Baker, until he was allowed to learn the cakes: classics like Black Forest Cake and Sacher Torte.

As with most good stories, there is a woman with long dark hair and a helluva cleavage, who shows up and stirs the pot. Her entrance and their union resulted in two beautiful daughters and a move to Cape Town. First it was Charly’s in Thibault Square, with food made to German perfection. Then onto the V&A Waterfront, where they were famous for “those quiches” and “those cakes!”, “that salad buffet”, not to forget the Eggs Benedict that had people queuing up for hours over long weekends and holidays. It was crazy, so they decided to sell and go smaller.. Yeah Right! You can’t keep a good thing small (or down).

Now they have this crazy classic bakery and the girls have joined them.
The colours are brighter, so is the future.
The cakes are sexier, and so are the women. The German perfection and standard? Well turn around, it’s still here.


The story unfolds when the woman with the long dark hair and a helluva cleavage had a dream.. A dream of our story in a building where stories were born – Cape Town’s old Jewish bookstore.

This is a story of no fear, of boldly baking where no one has baked before. This is a story of gaining a new daughter. Of hearts making space for new people to love. A story of “magic”, of things working where science says it shouldn’t. Stories of Oompa Loompas, of Luf Luf and Gooi Gooi.

Again, turn around and ask those who work here to tell you their story. Then listen, you will be amazed.

This is the story of Charly’s… in an Almond shell.
With ♥ your #1 admirer… A.VDM.


Our story needed to be shared.. And Charly’s Cake Angels was born. Our story came to life with music and pictures. A peephole into the magic of the family of Charly’s Bakery creating cakes in the beautiful City of Cape Town was shared with the world. The public watched with smiles on their faces, glitter in their eyes & love in their hearts. They were inspired!


Our Tata Charly, who brought us all together and taught us so much, became ill and left our world, but not our hearts, on the 25th May 2012. WOW! Heaven scored BIG TIME! We miss our Charly every day & continue to create the magic he inspired in our lives.

Tata Charly, we will meet you again… Somewhere Over The Rainbow ♥


Tuesday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 2pm
CLOSED: Sunday, Monday & public holidays


Telephone: +27 21 461 5181
WhatsApp: +27 78 101 9183
38 Canterbury St
District Six
Cape Town
South Africa

If you would like to order a cake please fill in our custom cake order form here